
Radix has been Isa's good buddy for over a year and yesterday for the first time in his dog life, he turned fiercely and snapped at someone. Only this someone happened to be Isa.  She has tiny little pink raised spots where his teeth grazed her cheek, but all in all she escaped what could have been a much worse dog bite experience.  And yet she feels so betrayed.  She loves Radix dearly, and could not wrap her head around why he would bite her, especially because she had just been sitting and talking with me in a relatively mellow manner (for a five-year old) and he has never been known to bite.  Anything.  She felt sad and he felt quite obviously guilty. She just kept repeating: "Bad Radix, bad Radix, bad Radix".


The time is so ripe for this dusty outlet of mine to start shaping and taking a productive form.  There have been so many pieces and ideas and creations fermenting and bubbling, waiting for just the right time to be sipped at, tasted, and served to my loved ones.  And to myself.  I am excited to finally feel ready to write, to put these feelings to paper, and remember the lost art of writing in full sentences (thanks a lot, dear iPhone). READ MORE...

After having recently (six weeks going on forever) moved home to the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains where I grew up, I am finding that all these different angles and avenues and paths that my life has taken, are all merging together at my feet and howling loudly, finally ready to be truly integrated.  I have lived so many stories and had such a vibrant and full life thus far, and as I prepare and welcome so many new pieces I find myself also reflecting on where I have been, who I have been, and how those fit and meld into who I am now and how they shape the path that I am beginning to walk here today, in this fermented and fresh articulation of myself.


And speaking of fermenting, I am so excited to be venturing down to Oakland tomorrow to finally be attending a fermenting workshop with the master himself, Sandor Katz.  When the little one truly was a little one, so many years back, and I spent my days experimenting with water kefir grains and homemade sodas, Sandor Katz was the man on my brain as I always referred back to his book, Wild Fermentation.  I have never been at the right place at the right time to be able to attend one of his workshops, and I am utterly thrilled to finally have this opportunity.  To have some time with dear friends in the Bay AND a workshop with this deeply inspiring and knowledgeable man? Yes. Yes, please.